kitchen sink plumbing

When Do We Consider Professional Advice on

Plumbing Maintenance


Our plumbing system is essential to us as it provides a great deal of help in meeting our needs. We value our water heater, hot water, and plumbing systems. Yes, many of us know the benefits of a warm or hot shower in the morning and after work.

The regular water flow makes a significant difference in our lives at a moment’s notice. Indeed, properly running a sewer line to remove human waste, suitable drain pipes, the right plumbing maintenance tips, and preventive maintenance can undoubtedly maintain our quality of life.

Further, we know that leaking faucets, low water pressure, water stains, and plumbing leaks in general, among clogged drains and leaking toilets due to excess toilet paper, can be significant stress inducers.

We want everything to work without issues regarding our sewer lines, sewer drains, general sewer system, and plumbing system.

When tree roots interfere with our system, rusted pipes start to appear, and water leaks persist, it can interrupt our lives to a great degree. Hidden leaks, water heaters, exposed pipes, and a build-up of mineral deposits in our plumbing systems make us think of severe problems and costly repairs.

That is when we think of fixing the problem ourselves.

But is this the best option? Let us find out.


Find the Difference Between Small Problems and Large Problems

Differentiating between a quick weekend DIY fix and a complex fix can save a property owner from enormous potential damage. If you’ve been trying to fix your plumbing issues all by yourself and seem not to get it right, obtaining professional advice should be your next point of contact.


This is quite a critical point; we can look at some DIY solutions that range from baking soda for unclogging the drains to viewing why we have dripping faucets.

At the same time, remember that plumbing matters can be pretty intricate, and they may represent many further issues.

There is no doubt that some plumbing problems need technical thinking to get fixed. Only professionals trained to get it done will have the capacity to fix those technical issues without sweating much.

One thing we should learn in our day-to-day life is knowing when to call for help to save ourselves from avoidable stress, damage, and dangers.

When should we consider professional advice on preventive plumbing maintenance?


Recurring leaks or dripping faucet

A dripping faucet will eventually cost the homeowner a lot in water bills. There are several reasons why your faucet would leak. The common causes could result from a worn-out washer or damaged cartridge. Sometimes the leaks can be stopped by tightening some parts of the faucet. Suppose it keeps recurring after you try fixing them. In that case, it’s best to seek professional advice from a professional plumber at My Arvada Plumber on how to get a more permanent fix.


You are experiencing low water pressure.

Low water pressure in the house can be caused by a broken or cracked pipe. These pipes can be located in the ground, on the wall, or even inside your house foundation. The plumber’s job is to find where the low-pressure situation comes from and help you fix it or instruct you on how to fix it.


You have no water at all in your apartment.

As soon as you notice there is no water in your apartment and you can’t think of a reason as to why it is so, reach out to a plumber. Having no water in your apartment or one part of your apartment can signify that something is wrong somewhere and needs an intervention to get back to the usual.

Sometimes, the no water situation can be because the water meant to go into your apartment has been obstructed or leaks somewhere. If that is the case, you risk severe damage to your property if it is not fixed as soon as possible.


You have an overflowing toilet.

Plungers are used to remove clogs or blockages in the bathroom. Immediately you notice that your toilet overflows, you can try using a plunge to remove what is causing a blockage. If the problem persists or there is no blockage, turn off the water supply to your toilet and use an alternative bathroom until you get it fixed.


Drains don’t drain

It is not uncommon to have clogs in your drains; in some houses, it frequently happens, while in some, it rarely happens. Clogs can be removed from the drain using a plunger. If, however, the plunger doesn’t work and your gutters cannot drain out water as it is supposed to, it is no longer a do-it-yourself affair; hence a plumber should be called.


Your house smells like sewage.

Your house will feel less habitable if it smells like sewage. Broken or blocked water drainage channels can be the primary cause of the smell. When this water stops flowing freely, they announce this concern with a scent. Instead of investing in an air freshener that cannot fix the smell’s cause, calling an actual plumber is a step to proffering a solution.

Besides the problems mentioned above, plumbers can also carry out the following tasks.

  • Check hoses and pipes for cracks and leaks
  • Connect water channels in and out of a building
  • Septic tank inspection and cleaning
  • Inspect water heater for problems, and fix it if there is any problem

Work with My Arvada Plumber For Comprehensive Plumbing Services

Suffering in silence has never solved a problem for anybody. The specialist to talk to is a plumber for your house’s general plumbing concerns, including maintenance.

A licensed plumber is allowed to carry out plumbing activities in an area. They work in line with the area’s building regulations and safety standards where they practice.

Our team is here for you if you need help fixing leaking faucets and other matters.

We are pleased to provide preventative maintenance, pipe insulation, fix burst pipes, understand pressure gauge readings, assess pressure regulator matters, and get you on a regular maintenance schedule to prevent significant issues.

Our plumbers may check appliances, assess for water damage, and see if there are any issues connected to the air conditioning or other systems.

Please pick up your phone today and call our team at My Arvada Plumber to get your plumbing concerns attended to.



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