
Plumbing leaks are usually found in walls, floors, ceilings, under sinks, building foundations, water fittings, pipelines, and ducts. Household leaks such as toilets, sinks, and faucets are easy to notice. You will just see a paddle of water or water dripping from beneath. However, it is not always that simple to detect leaks. In most places, plumbing pipes are normally buried underground or beneath tons of strong concrete in the building’s foundation. As a result, pinpointing the exact leak location in your house or commercial building becomes challenging.

Sometimes you will get signs such as a sudden drop in your water pressure, a musty smell you cannot get rid of, or worse, an annoying dripping sound you cannot quite get hold of. This, however, is not always the case. Some water leaks are completely silent, and the water meter test indicates no leaks.

What Causes Water Leaks?

Corrosion is one of the most common causes of leaks. As pipes age, they become prone to rust. When you see wear and tear on your older plumbing system, consider replacing it with a modern type.

Pipe junctions can also degrade quickly since they are the weakest point in a line. Clogged lines cause burst pipes. The third reason is excessive water pressure. It’s also a good idea to watch abrupt temperature swings, especially when it’s cold outside. Pipes expand and compress; as a result, causing cracks. Leaks are also frequently caused by loose water connections and faulty seals in your appliances.

What Are the Effects of Water Leaks?

If a plumbing leak remains undetected for an extended period of time, it may result in:

  • Flooding is quite expensive to fix and clean.
  • Growth of mold, fungus, and mildew on building materials such as pipes, wood, fittings, and concrete, resulting in physical damage to your property.
  • Contaminants from the raptured pipe entering and contaminating the drinking water system
  • Health problems such as asthma and allergic reactions
  • Discoloration of your walls and floors
  • Reduced water pressure from water pipes
  • Rusted pipes rupturing is expensive and difficult to replace and repair.
  • Unnecessary water waste results in an increase in your water bill.
  • Water damage reduces the total value of your home.
  • Expensive repair and replacement costs.

How Are Pipe Leaks Detected?

It is crucial that you handle the leak as soon as possible with the proper leak detection equipment. There are several methods for locating leaky pipes in commercial and residential areas. The leak detectors you use depend on your budget, the type of water leak, and the leak’s location.

The first technique is acoustic leak detection. This is still the leading method of detecting leaks in water and gas pipelines. It involves using acoustic sensors, which are listening devices, to detect the smallest to the loudest noises produced by water leaking. Acoustic sensors use pipes as a medium for sound transmission to detect water leaks.

The second method is thermal imaging. This is where thermal cameras are used to locate plumbing leaks quickly. Its key benefit is that it is a non-invasive, non-contact method that helps promptly locate the exact location of leaks without causing structural damage.

How Is Leakage Detected in a Pipeline?

Pipeline networks transport oil, gas, and different types of fluids. Due to improper operation, pipeline leaks can result from adjacent excavation damage, corrosion, or faulty equipment. Furthermore, if a pipeline does not undergo proper maintenance, it might corrode, especially at the joints. Other causes of leaks include exterior force damage and natural forces.

A pipeline leak detection system can assess situations where leaking is occurring.

How Do Leak Detection Systems Work?

Leak detection devices monitor the water flow via a pipeline. Upon detection of unusual behavior, leak detection technologies shut out the water supply to the entire house. The system closes the valve in the section where the leak detector is at. Professionals place leak detection systems at the point where water is entering the home.

This way, regardless of the situation, water flow may be stopped from every water-using fixture and appliance, safeguarding your entire home from costly and disastrous water damage. Programmable leak detection systems allow you to modify shut-off settings depending on your household’s water use. They also connect with cellphones through an app, delivering notifications when they detect abnormal water flow.

Types Of Leak Detectors

One type of leak detector is known as a moisture sensing detector. They operate by turning off the water once they sense moisture. How so? When these leak-detecting devices detect moisture reaching your floors, their mechanical valve is activated, preventing water flow. These moisture-sensing leak detectors are more suitable under sinks.

Mechanical leak detection devices are another option. These systems calculate gallons of water as they travel through the device using an impeller. As water passes through the device, the impeller fan’s blades rotate. The total gallons of water that have passed through the system are recorded and then transmitted back to the system as the fan rotates.

Other leak-detecting devices detect unusual water patterns in your water pipes using ultrasonic waves. This technology sends ultrasonic pulses upstream and downstream to monitor the flow rate. The data flow is subsequently sent to your Wi-Fi network, which relays to your smartphone. However, if your Wi-Fi goes down, the system retrieves past water consumption data and any parameters you have placed into it to continue monitoring water flow.

What Do You Do If You Suspect a Leak Inside Your House?

Water leaks can cause structural, equipment, and property damage and electrical failure. Either way, if you suspect there might be water leaking in the area, do not hesitate to call a plumber.

Are You in Need of Leak Detection System Professionals? Welcome To My Arvada Plumber

For any assistance with small leaks, installation of leak detection systems, maintenance of your plumbing system, or more information on how leakage can be detected, feel free to contact My Arvada Plumber.

You can visit our office at 12191 W 64th Ave#100, Arvada, CO80804, or call us at 303-500-0437. You can also email us at scott@myarvadaplumber.com.

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